the weight of light is a project where light receives gravity. Light, as we usually interpret it, is an element without mass and gravity. For the weight of light forces are mapped to moving light particles responding to the physics we know from reality. Through the use of Newton’s laws of motion a fictional space is created.
For the weight of light forces are mapped to moving light particles responding to the physics we know from reality. Through the use of Newton’s laws of motion a fictional space is created. For the weight of light a physics engine simulates the kinetic forces of a moving object. This mass is projected on a wave shaped structure in virtual space. The moving object is represented as a light particle in physical space. Gravity, mass, density and friction affect velocity and acceleration of these light particles. As the particles movement is based on a simulation, it does not have to adhere to the physical realities we know from everyday life. Therefore weight of light is able to go beyond expected behaviour. Thus the matter of light traverses a reinterpretation of our known reality.
Each moving light particle is underlined by an auditive representation in the range of low frequencies. Phenomena of standing sound waves and frequency interferences support the shape waved structure. Thereby an immersive space is created where the movement of light is also represented by vibrational patterns of oscillating sound waves.
the weight of light plays with our sense of reality by continually causing us to perceive and experience a fictional space of light, gravity and sound. weight of light emphasizes the materiality of immaterial elements in an revolving reality which overcomes the dualism of “virtual” and “real”. (07.05.2020)