A huge curved wooden wall, painted white; a 90-square-meter large platform, carrying three motionless compact robots – this stage set in the Dürr Foyer greeted the roughly 150 guests on Thursday evening as they arrived to see the 'premiere' of the machine performance. What is initially barely noticeable to the untrained eye was obvious to the painting specialists in the audience: the robot arms are not equipped with paint atomizers but with 575-watt lamps. At the click of a mouse, the motionless installation came to life. As the robots cast their light onto the wall, the precisely controlled movements created ever-changing light patterns.
What looks playful is actually the result of sophisticated, technical work. Together with Dürr experts, Joachim Fleischer has programmed the robot controls, which drive the movements, based on his own ideas. He has been working in the Dürr Foyer since the end of September, attracting curious looks from employees.
https://www.durr-group.com/en/media/news/news-detail/view/production-art-festival-drehmoment-turning-point-1958 (21.06.2022)